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Nutrition Programs


All disease begins in the gut.


Are you tired of not being able to find the answers and solutions to your chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, and digestive issues?  And are you tired of dieting and not having the willpower to continue?


My custom wellness program, using my Three-Step Process to help you find the root causes to, and provide solutions for your chronic symptoms, and food and body relationship problems without relying on will power.


Your past attempts at dieting and resolving chronic symptoms probably didn't work for you if you only focused on food and exercise. Sustainable and optimal health requires looking at your emotional triggers, genetics, and environment too.


Health is not just about the body and the foods you eat and the exercise you do, it involves deeper layers of reality such as the mind and how your thoughts and emotions directly impact your health. Genetics and environment also play a part. All these elements are broken down into what I call the 3 Pillars of Health: physical (the body), environmental and mental.


The 3 Pillars are the elements that we will look at to find the root cause of disfunction, how they interplay with one another, and how we can change or manipulate them to create favorable outcomes. They are what is called, epigenetics; the lifestyle and environmental factors that affect our genes.


  1. Physical- These are the structural components like the gut, the food you put in your body and how your body functions, movement, and exercise.

  2. Enviornmental - These are the outside invaders, toxins, and chemicals that enter the body.

  3. Mental - These are your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and aspects of soul and spirit.


Together, we can get to the root causes of your body's dysfunctions and create the outcomes you are seeking.

In my programs, I customize nutrition and lifestyle counseling and coaching from a functional approach. The special tools and frameworks that I use apply to my personal counseling and group coaching will help me to look deeply into your case and will unravel the sources of your suffering. From there, I create a unique-only-for you nutrition and lifestyle solution.


What is Health Coaching?


Health coaching uses evidence-based techniques and strategies to actively and safely engage clients in health behavior change. A certified health coach can be viewed as a motivator, an educator, a health promotor, and an active partner in unlocking a client's potential to make informed decisions about his or her health and well-being. A health coach typically does not tell you what to do or create meal plans



Why functional?


When looking at yourself and your lifestyle holistically, in other words from every angle, you have every opportunity to assess the possible multi factors involved in your chronic pain or why you may be gaining unnatural weight. It could be as simple as not chewing your food properly, which can cause a whole host of issues, or your unmanaged thoughts causing your anxiety which causes you to not be able to sleep well which slows down your metabolism and increases blood sugar. Do you see how this works?


Everyone is unique

Everything is connected

All things matter


Benefits of Holistic


  • Get the guidance from an expert who knows how to connect the dots and be your detective for finding the root causes of your difficult symptoms and the inability to lose weight.

  • Get lifetime tools and accountability solutions to stay on track of your progress in symptom resolution.

  • Gain more empowerment, confidence, and energy...... no longer feel "out of control" with your health.

  • Change your relationship with food so you no longer feel out of control around it or require will power.

  • Spend less time at the doctors being sick and accelerating aging by being 100% in tune with your body's needs.

  • Learn the real reason why you may be gaining weight.

  • Feel years younger and more optimistic than ever about your personal and professional life.

  • Experience more relief, energy, and vitality; better sleep, skin, and digestion; and start seeing less inflammation, headaches, bloat, pain, anxiety, and depression.

  • Get your life back - No more losing time!



Why Holistic?


Rather than taking advice from blogs, Instagram influencers, or other bogus sources, get support from a true professional using my proven 3-Step ART Method: ASSESS, RECOMMEND, AND TRACK.



Why Now?


If you don’t choose to take care of your body now, your conditions may only get worse, be harder to treat, and you will be no closer to the health you desire and deserve.



Before Holistic

I feel hopeless, I have no energy, I am always in pain and no matter how many doctors I've seen or treatments I've tried, nothing seems to work.


I will never get better.


I will never get out of this diet-cycle


I’m too busy.


I feel guilty.


I just feel depressed and anxious all the time and can’t seem to make a change.

After Holistic

I am empowered now because, I understand better how my body works. I was patient with myself but applied simple techniques that helped my body shift to a healthier state. I have more energy, I can eat without worrying about the consequences, my headaches are less frequent, and I can see how holistically tackling every aspect of health is what brought my body to balance without the frustration of willpower and dieting. I now have the confidence to pursue my dreams because I no longer have the fatigue and brain fog.


My body knew how to heal all along.


I now have the tools to maintain this healthy weight.


I learned how to prioritize and manage my time which lessens my anxiety.


Because I prioritized my needs, in turn, I am a better mother and wife.


I regained the ability to be in tune with my body's needs including hunger and fullness cues.


I wish I realized how our distorted thought patterns can have an impact on our health, decision making, and relationships, and can directly influence behavior change. With the tools and techniques I have learned, I am now in control of my thoughts, not the other way around. I feel lighter because, I am more optimistic, thankful, forgiving of myself and others, and have can-do attitude.

Holistic IS FOR YOU IF…

You believe you are worthy of the investment and commitment that it takes to transform your health.


On a scale from 1-10, you choose anywhere between an 8-10, that you are ready to finally get help you need.


You are tired of not living your best life and not accomplishing your goals.


You are willing to prioritize the time it takes to make the necessary changes.


You understand that healing is a process, and it will take patience and trial and error to get it right. Everyone is unique, everything is connected, and all things matter.


You want to learn how to intuitively eat and live so you can finally enjoy life!!

Holistic IS NOT FOR YOU IF...

It’s not that important that you feel better.


You are ok feeling the way you do as long as you get to continue your current diet and lifestyle.


You are content staying stuck in the never ending cycle of dieting.


You have more important things to do.

Nutritional Cooking

Functional Nutrition Counseling

Holistic Private - This is a unique 3, 6, or 9 session counseling/coaching program spread across an agreed upon duration between you and me. This is a chance for me to dig deeper into finding the root causes of your chronic inflammation and chronic health issues.


I customize nutrition and lifestyle counseling and coaching from a functional approach. The special tools and frameworks that I use will help me to look deeply into your case and will unravel the sources of your suffering. From there, I create a unique-only-for you nutrition and lifestyle solution.


What is the process?


  1. The first step is to join me in a complimentary strategy session to determine if working with me is the best fit for you.

  2. In our first session, we will go over your health history. This will be an in-depth and lengthy form that I will fill out as I ask you questions. This part is important because it helps me to see what makes you, you. (In between sessions, to help me connect the dots, I will map out (using special assessing and tracking tools and frameworks) your history, symptoms, triggers, actions you've taken that make things worse or better, diet, current behaviors, etc.

  3. In our second follow-up session, we will discuss details and next-steps related to your case, including my review and recommendations for your upgraded self-care.

  4. A third follow up session will take place to review your progress and discuss next steps. (This session will occur within three months of session #2.)

  5. Depending on which package you choose, after the third session (follow-up) We will continue to work together to assess-recommend- track.


Note: In order to work with me, a consultation is required.

Food Ingredients in Bowls

Group Functional Nutrition Coaching

Holistic Group - I offer a 3-month functional group coaching program as a more affordable option in a supportive, small group setting for women who want to feel better, decrease pain, improve energy levels, strengthen the immune system, and change their relationship with food and their body. If you find that you have not been successful in achieving your wellness goals and want to be healthier overall, this program will give an introduction to a firm foundation in your knowledge of food and other elements of health. The benefit is that you will get my signature Course-Holistic to follow- at your own pace.


What is included?​


  • participation in a small intimate group of women who share similar or different struggles and challenges

  • 2 one-hour weekly health coaching Zoom calls with Q&A on weekly topics

  • Three mini, 30-minute, private sessions with me

  • Weekly modules with a specific topic that takes 2 weeks to work through that include action steps and activities.

  • Personal portal through the Practice Better learning and nutrition platform.

  • A supportive Facebook private group

  • Video support

  • Accountability in a supportive group setting.


6 Modules: 


Module #1: Principles of Intuitive Eating and Nutrition education.  This portion is taken from my smaller group program, Making Peace with Your Plate™.  click here for more information.


Module #2: Gut Health. Learn about what causes an unhealthy gut, the microbiota, foods and environmental factors to remove, and foods to add in to support gut balance.


Module #3: Fitness. Understand fitness education including Pilates and cardio.


Module #4: Lifestyle Modification. Learn how everyday functions and activities such as sleep, movement, and getting sunshine, etc. that we take for granted, deeply effect health outcomes.


Module #5: Thoughts/ Stress Management. Learn how thoughts affect the mind-body connection and how to change destructive thought patterns to better serve you.


Module #6: Connections/ Fall Back Plan. Here you will tap into important support systems you will need to help you be successful in your health journey and maintenance. We will discuss the benefits of strengthened and renewed spiritual connections with yourself, family, friends, community, and God.


Last but not least; I will leave you with ideas on how to get back on the horse when you fall. Cuz you will. Life happens; enjoyable planned events, unexpected events, illness, you name it.


Note: This program is offered 2 times per year.  Stay tuned for upcoming dates.

Egg and Avocado Salad

Making Peace with Your Plate 

Making Peace with Your Plate™ is a 14 day group program based on the principles of Intuitive Eating - the most effective, research-based way for you to create a healthy relationship with food and finally get off the diet roller coaster! 

The principles in this program are also included in Holistic: my signature 3 month group program and as well as in the private functional nutrition counseling program.

Note: This program is offered 3 times per year.  Stay tuned for upcoming dates.

Ready to stop the chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, and finally change your relationship with food and your body? 


How will I know the health coaching/counseling program will work for me?


The science of how food meets biology is the proof. with my detective tools, we will be able to trial and error what personalized protocols work for you. We are bound to see something(s) begin to work. It is also in your hands to commit and comply with lifestyle and behavior change. There is no guarantee to arriving at perfect health but what is possible is the chance for the body receive the right elements at the right time to move the body towards its innate ability to heal itself. Wouldn't it be wonderful to get to a place where you can manage or even eliminate your symptoms?  And wouldn't be liberating to finally learn to enjoy eating food and living life by intuitively eating and living?



Coaching might be a stretch for my budget…


If you don't invest in yourself now, things may only get worse. Your health and wellbeing are valued at a price that is unreachable. You must decide if your hard earned money should go to doctors and hospitals that may only lead you down the path to more medication and misdiagnoses or to a path where a proven system works.



I don’t know if I have the time to put into this…


While committed people who put themselves as their priority are the ones who succeed and work best with me, you must remember that anything that is worth it, will take time and work. There is a risk reward, and you must weigh the two and decide if it is possible to rearrange your environment to do what it takes to help your body heal. If you don't do something about your health now, you may never have the time, and regret it in the future. I will coach you to find ways to manage your time.



How do I know it’s the right time for me to start a program like this?


It is never the right time. You have to make time AND there is no better time than the present. The clock is ticking, and your desired wellness and weight loss are waiting for you. Ask yourself what your future self would say to you in a year; in five years from now. You would not have the need if you weren't reading this right now.



Do you cover weight loss and chronic health issues?


The truth is people's approach to weigh loss is backwards. Think of unhealthy weight gain as a branch of a root of the true cause of why you are in the state you are in. The goal is to tackle the terrain of the body where the roots reside to uncover WHY you are struggling with weight issues (the branch).  To answer this question even further, I take a non-diet approach to wellness because dieting has been proven to not work.  (Read more about this in my Making Peace with Your Plate program)



But I've tried almost everything and nothing works


If you have tried everything, you would be better by now and wouldn't be here reading this paragraph.



What is the difference between health coaching, and Pilates and other movement modalities?


I offer my health coaching separately and as an online program. If you live in my local area, I offer Pilates, Suspension, and Fascial Movement in person in my inhouse studio. I also offer health coaching/Pilates bundles for clientele who live in my area.

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